Photo of Carlos Lau United States

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Carlos María Lau, artist. He was born the 9th of August of 1953 in the province of Tucumán, Argentina.

Though his interest in arts and especially in painting dates back to the times of his childhood, his professional consolidation in the plastic arts as well as the production of works have become manifest and permanent in the last years.

As a review of his professional career and educational background which have...

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Photo of Carlos Lau United States

Carlos María Lau, artist. He was born the 9th of August of 1953 in the province of Tucumán, Argentina.

Though his interest in arts and especially in painting dates back to the times of his childhood, his professional consolidation in the plastic arts as well as the production of works have become manifest and permanent in the last years.

As a review of his professional career and educational background which have undoubtedly influenced and still influence in his present artistic production, we can mention the following items:

-History teacher, degree granted by The National University of Tucumán on August 6, 1979.

-Master’s Degree in History granted by Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of The National University of Tucumán, On March 27, 2001.

- Student of the last doctorate course in History.

His professional background has allowed him to teach in all the levels of systematic and unsystematic education through conferences, talks, specialization courses of general knowledge, and different publications.

- He has studied History, Culture and Classic Languages (Latin I and Latin II). With the intention of taking a doctorate’s degree on Ancient History with especial reference to Egyptology, he has dealt with third level studies of the Egyptian culture and of the classic Egyptian language (Hieroglyphs). He was a member of the Interdisciplinary Team that worked in the Theban Tomb TT49 in Luxor, Egypt where he carried out several research tasks and taking part actively as

- CIUNT Researcher: Co-director of the project “Graphic and Epigraphic Report of Neferhotep’s Tomb in Eastern Thebes (TT49)”. 2001 - 2003.

- Member of the “Investigation Institute of the Ancient East Art and Culture”, which is dependant on the Arts Faculty (UNT) in Luxor, Eastern Thebes, Egypt between February 16 and March 27, 2000 in the context of the art conservation project and epigraphic report of the Theban Tomb TT - 49. Likewise he has realized complementary tasks in different university libraries and museums of Cairo.

Among other professional activities which have undoubtedly influenced on his artistic production, we can mention the one of being involved in activities related to different areas of culture and art:

- Writer of the National Radio LRA 15 by open contest, first place 1977. From that time up to 1997, when he retires in order to start working on his Doctorate, he is in charge of the cultural aspects and of the production and making of classical music programs, Argentine events and History of the Nobel prizes among other cultural programmes.

During this period he collaborated extensively with a branch of the Mozarteum in his native city.

-Member of the Stable Choir of the Province of Tucumán (Argentina). Open Contest, 1997, 1998 and 1999.

Regarding his professional background as a plastic artist, Carlos María Lau has completed the following activities:

- Private courses with teacher Fernando Robles Almiron (First Prize of the National Fund and Arts Academy of the Nation) during the year 2002.

- In the year 2003, he studies in the workshops of Diana Castillo and Omar
Valdivia, both well-known artists of the Argentinean cultural scene.

- In the year 2005, he takes the theoretical and practical course “Technique and Methodology of Colour in Scientific Illustrations” with MA Nora Kotowicz de Pérez Carbajal in Miguel Lillo Institute, Faculty of Natural Sciences (UNT).

- Under the same direction he takes the courses of “The Black and White Colour in Scientific Illustrations” and “Colour in Scientific Illustrations” both of 40 hours each during the year 2006.

- Simultaneously he completes regular studies of the Master’s Degree on Plastic Arts in The National University of Tucumán from 2005 up to the present.

- He takes part as an exhibitor in the exhibition “Scientific Illustration” in the “VII Communication Conferences” in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Miguel Lillo Institute on 6 and 7 of December 2005.

- Likewise he shows his works in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of The National University of Tucumán during the same year.

- At the moment he takes classes with Carlos Ignacio Legorburu, a high renown
Hyperrealism artist of Argentina.

At the present time his life and his specific education in the plastic arts develop between his beloved Province of Tucumán in the Northwest part of Argentina and in the South of California (USA) where he produces and exhibits his work.

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